General Admission
Please reserve general admission tickets for individuals who are not active members, and who do not qualify for our Museums for All program.
You may only reserve member tickets for people listed on your membership, which must be valid on the date of your visit. Please select Member Tickets for the named individuals on your membership and General Admission for your guests, which will be discounted at checkout based on your membership level. Membership for All members (Family MFA Level) please reserve member tickets.
Museums for All (MFA)
Our Museums for All program helps provide access to CuriOdyssey for low income families. Please see our Museums for All page for more information about this program.
Qualifying families may reserve up to four 'Museums for All' tickets. You must be prepared to show your photo ID and a qualifying program participation card at the time of entrance. Qualifying programs include Golden State Advantage EBT/CalFresh/SNAP, WIC, Medicaid, Medi-Cal, Healthy Families, and Kaiser Community Health Care Program.
Step 1: MEMBERS, SIGN IN to the website to enjoy your free admission for your membership's named adults and children. You can purchase General Admission for your guests, which will be discounted based on your membership level.
Step 2: CHOOSE the date and time you will attend (click the link for "Other dates..." above)
Step 3: SELECT the number of tickets to reserve. REMINDER: You may only reserve member tickets for people listed on your membership, which must be valid on the date of your visit.
Step 4: VERIFY your email address before submitting your order. After you complete your ticket reservation, you will receive two emails. The link for accessing your eTickets will be in the email with "CuriOdyssey E-Tickets" in the subject line.
Step 5: PRINT your tickets and BRING them with you, or prepare to display them on your smartphone.
Please see our Plan Your Visit page, which includes our visitor code of conduct, policies, tips, and frequently asked questions to make the most of your experience.